Bashir Niguse: Victim of Alarming Rise in Kidnappings, Ransom Demands in Ethiopia

Several kidnapping incidents have occurred in Ethiopia recently, causing immense distress and destruction to countless families and individuals. This story focuses on the alarming trend of kidnappings and the subsequent demands for exorbitant ransoms, showing how detrimental this trend has been.

The prevalence of violence in Ethiopia poses a significant threat to the peaceful living conditions of its citizens. The attacks by armed forces targeting civilians have created a sense of vulnerability and fear. This violence is a daily concern, leading to the death and fleeing of many innocent people.

Bashir Niguse, a 34-year-old resident of North Shawaa District in Oromia, was among the brutally murdered victims of the tragic incident by Fanno forces. He was the father of four young children and had just moved to Sululta Town a year ago with his family. Despite being active in business, Bashir had no involvement in politics. His primary focus was on his job and supporting his family. However, his life was abruptly disrupted when he left home on May 24, 2023, to attend his sister’s wedding.

According to family members who spoke with an OLLAA member, the victim had been kidnapped by Fanno forces in the Jamaa desert while he returned to the Darra district from his sister’s wedding at Marabete in Amhara Region. Several days after the kidnapping, the abductors demanded payment of two million Birr for the release of their captive. His family were determined to do whatever it took to bring Bashir back home and agreed to send the money. However, they hoped their community would reach out to his rescue since they had nothing on their hands, according to a family member. With a heavy heart, fear, anger, and desperation, Bashir’s family gathered the requested amount of money and sent it to the kidnappers.  

That money was collected from the people in the form of loans and donations. In the meantime, we sent the money to the kidnappers. We kept calling Bashir’s phone until the kidnappers finally received the money. However, after receiving it, they lost their voices and committed evil acts. They brutally murdered him,” said one of the victims’ family members.

In addition to losing him, Bashir’s family now faces a staggering debt of two million Birr. To ensure the well-being of his children and to address the financial burden, the family has decided to keep someone else on hand to help them and contribute towards paying off the debt. In order to facilitate this process, a bank account has been opened and donors are asked to contribute.

In Ethiopia, a distressing reality unfolds as a number of similar attacks and human rights violations occur daily. These reprehensible acts create an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, leaving individuals in a perpetual state of anxiety, unsure of who might fall victim to such atrocities tomorrow.

Source: social media

International Law

Under international human rights laws, a government has the primary duty to respect and protect the rights of those who live under its jurisdiction. It is therefore the Ethiopian government’s duty to ensure the protection of rights against violations committed by both state and non-state armed groups. It is also the government’s duty to hold the perpetrators accountable and serve justice. The right to life and freedom of movement are the internationally recognized rights violated in this instance. These rights are guaranteed under UDHR, ICCPR, ACHPR and Ethiopian national laws.