An Open Letter to International Organizations to Pressure the Ethiopian Government to End Political “Assassinations”

Déjà Vu: The political assasination of Abduljabbaar Hussein is reminiscent of the killing of Haacaalu Hundeessaa, Ethiopian singer and activist, more than one year ago.

August 13, 2021

OLLAA is saddened and disappointed that two days have passed with silence from Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, The African Human Rights Commission, or any other prominent human rights organizations after yet another political assassination, this time of Abduljabbaar Hussien. 

Abduljabbaar was assassinated in Adama, Oromia on August, 11, 2021 by unknown assailants. Abduljabbaar was a high-profile attorney for numerous political prisoners for nearly two decades. For instance, when Bekele Gerba and  many other political prisoners were languishing behind bars during the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) era, late Abduljabbaar acted as their defense lawyer. He was on the team of defense lawyers for all  Oromo political prisoners charged under the  file for Jawar Mohammed and co-defendants.

Abduljabbaar also represented Mr. Lidetu Ayalew, an influential politician from the Amhara region of Ethiopia. Abduljabbaar had established a team of four Oromo defense lawyers to stand for Lidetu at the court in Oromia. Abduljabbaar did not see Lidetu Ayalew, who is an Amhara, as some sort of political or ethnic enemy, even at the height of ethnic division: he saw him as a politician who deserved a decent attorney and a man who the Oromia Regional government wrongfully accused. Abduljabbaar used his knowledge to free Lidetu.  

The Oromia government has stated that Abduljabbaar passed away as he was being transported to Rift Valley hospital, but the religious father, Sheik Gutama, who washed his body prior to the burial, said that they were delayed because the blood would not stop and that Hussein had severe deep cuts in the back of his neck. Sheik Gutama went on to describe other injuries he witnessed while washing his body. In addition, OLLAA team members observed an online video that shows a big cut in the back of Abduljabbaar’s head and a pool of blood. 

OLLAA urges all human rights organizations to call on the Ethiopian government to immediately allow a proper investigation by an independent, credible body, as well as an autopsy to be released to the public. We call on the United States, the European Union, African Human Rights Commission and other organizations to pressure the Ethiopian government to guarantee the safety of other attorneys, family members of activists, political prisoners, and anyone who has spoken the truth about Abduljabbaar’s murder. 

Join the Twitter campaign ( on Sunday August 15 at 3pm EST to save the lives of Oromos and Ethiopians who may be at risk, including Sheik Gutama!