Gadafa Daraje: Killed by non-state armed group

Gadafa Daraje was born in Amuru district, Horro Guduru Wallaga Zone of Oromia. Gadafa was a husband and father to five; three boys and two daughters. Gadafa was a farmer. 

OLLAA staff spoke to Gadafa’s family regarding his killing by Fanno, an extremist armed group. Gadafa was traveling from Amuru town to the nearby small town of Agamsa on October 30, 2022 when members of Fanno captured him. After capturing Gadafa, Fanno members killed him and left his remains in the jungle. The Amuru district is situated close to the Amhara region. Fanno members who cross this border are known to attack Oromo civilians. Fanno members operating in this area gather support and reinforcement from Amhara civilians who live there. Due to this augmentation of Fanno forces by sheer numbers of armed participants, hundreds of Oromo have been killed and thousands more have been displaced from their homes. As yet, the government has not taken measures against the armed group.

International Law

Under international human rights laws, a government has the primary duty to respect and protect the rights of those who live under its jurisdiction. It is therefore the Ethiopian government’s duty to ensure the protection of rights against violations committed by both State actors and by individuals or groups. In particular, the government is duty bound to protect its citizens from non-state armed groups.  It is also the government’s duty to hold the perpetrators accountable and serve justice.  The right to life, freedom of movement, the right to housing, and the right to property are the internationally recognized rights violated in this connection. These rights are guaranteed under UDHR, ICCPR, ACHPR and Ethiopian national laws.