Habtu Joote: AAU Law School Student Killed by Government Security Forces

Habtu Joote was born in Alaltu, North Shewa Zone of Oromia. He completed his high school education in Alaltu, and, as an outstanding student who achieved high marks, he subsequently joined Addis Ababa University (AAU) School of Law. 

OLLAA staff spoke to Habtu’s college friends regarding details of his extrajudicial killing. Habtu was a fourth-year law student at AAU School of Law, spending summer break with his family in Alaltu. On August 20, 2023, government security forces, who were deployed to the area in search of Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) fighters, came to the family’s home. Even though Habtu’s father was not a member of OLA, the security forces arrested him and began beating him in front of his family. Habtu beseeched the security forces to stop beating his father since it is illegal to beat someone who is already under legal protection. In response, the security forces started beating Habtu. Habtu tried to defend himself, and the security forces killed him, firing a live bullet.

International Law

International human rights law contains the obligation for States to protect individuals from human rights violations, including violations of the right to life. This is guaranteed under numerous human rights treaties that Ethiopia is a party to, including the UDHR, ICCPR, CRC, and ACHPR. Extrajudicial executions involve the deliberate killing of individuals by state agents outside of any legal framework and therefore constitute a violation of this right.  In the case of the Habtu Joote, he was executed by government security forces. We condemn such cowardly acts and call on the Ethiopian government to protect civilian life and to hold individuals accountable for their actions. 

Image source: Facebook