Humans of Oromia 2023 Annual Report

The Oromo Legacy Leadership & Advocacy Association (OLLAA) is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to advocating for the human rights of Oromos worldwide. As part of its advocacy initiatives, OLLAA consistently releases weekly reports, such as “Humans of Oromia,” aiming to expose human rights abuses against Oromo civilians in Oromia. These reports underscore the government’s responsibilities and failures as the primary duty bearers under international law. OLLAA utilizes such reports to raise awareness and recommends implementing measures to address human rights violations.

Focus of Reports

These reports not only spotlight the Ethiopian government’s deficiencies in safeguarding human rights but also address instances where non-state armed actors, including the Amhara Fanno militia, contribute to violations in the Oromia region. The collective findings reveal a pervasive pattern of human rights abuses against Oromo civilians nationwide, encompassing extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests, torture, sexual violence, and serious injuries.

Perpetrators and Impact

Perpetrators of these violations include state actors such as the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF), Amhara regional forces, and Oromia regional security forces, along with non-state actors. Extrajudicial killings specifically target innocent Oromo civilians based on their identity or alleged ties to the Oromo Liberation Army, leading to tragic deaths and displacement. Indiscriminate airstrikes and drone attacks further contribute to significant civilian casualties.

Arbitrary arrests and detentions affect thousands of Oromo individuals, subjecting them to inhumane conditions, a lack of medical access, and prolonged incarceration without legal recourse. The reports also highlight sexual violence against Oromo women, often associated with perceived affiliations with the Oromo Liberation Army or their families, although such incidents are vastly underreported. Additionally, torture, ill-treatment, and serious injuries inflicted on detainees or during conflicts underscore the severe human rights violations ongoing in Oromia.

Call for Action

In light of these circumstances, urgent action is imperative from all stakeholders, especially the Ethiopian government and the global community, to protect the rights of Oromo civilians throughout Ethiopia.

For a detailed examination of these violations, please read the full “Humans of Oromia” report