Nadiya Boru

Communications Director

Born and raised in Canada, Nadiya Boru is a young entrepreneur that is passionate about change in all forms. Currently living in Toronto, Ontario, she completed her undergraduate studies at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, earning a bachelor’s in political science with a minor in psychology. She is the founder and owner of “chipAWAY treats”, a healthy alternative bakery company. Nadiya wears many hats, but one she wears loudly and proudly is being Oromo. In addition to her love for baking, Nadiya actively participates in various organizations locally and globally. She is a board member for Oromo Youth in Charge, based in Toronto, Canada, and one of the founders and a board member of the Oromo Youth Association of Canada. To ensure the Oromo struggle is being recognized, she manages many different social media accounts that help the non-Oromo world to understand the continuing misfortune of the Oromo people. Nadiya also works with OLLAA as the press representative to engage the Oromo communities both outside and within Oromia. Nadiya is also the writer of “Humans of Oromia”, a series of human rights violations that are told as stories to humanize the dehumanized victims. She is an Oromo activist that is ardent about achieving a better tomorrow for Oromos everywhere.