OLLAA Receives a List of 176 People Who Have Been Arbitrarily Detained In Goro Dola Worada Police Station, Including A 14 Year Old Girl


OLLAA has received a report from a credible source regarding 176 persons who have been arbitrarily detained in Goro Dola Worada Police Station in East Guji Zone, Oromia since 2020. 

It has been reported that many of these detainees were never given a reason for their arrest and detention. Of those who were given a reason for their arrest, several were arrested due to suspicion that they were connected with β€œShane” (the term the Ethiopian government frequently uses to refer to the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA)), or because they had family members who were connected with Shane. Our source has reported that it is common practice for persons to be arrested en masse by police as a source of income via bribes, although it is unclear if any of these individuals were arrested for that purpose. Since their arrest, these individuals have not been brought before a court of law, have continued to be held without charges, and have been denied the opportunity to challenge the lawfulness of their continued detention.  

OLLAA calls on the Ethiopian government to cease its practice of arbitrary arrests and detentions, and to immediately release all prisoners who have been unlawfully detained.  The international community must also respond decisively to these allegations, including by considering launching independent investigations into these detentions, publicly condemning the Ethiopian government’s practice of arbitrarily arresting and detaining civilians, and by pressing the Ethiopian government to release these 176 detainees, as well as all other Ethiopians who have been unlawfully detained.  

Analysis of Data:

The list of 176 detainees (reproduced in full at the end of this report) was provided to OLLAA by a credible source with connections to the local government. The individuals included in this list were arrested at various points throughout 2020 and continue to be detained to this day. 

According to our source, the vast majority (99) of the detainees were never provided a reason for their arrest and continued detention.

Several of the individuals on this list were detained based on allegations that they were, in some way, connected to β€œShane.” Interestingly, only 10 individuals are listed as having been arrested for being an active member of Shane, being in the presence of Shane, or planning to join Shane. A few were arrested for providing material assistance to Shane, including giving them food, providing transport services, and giving them information and/or spying.  4 people were arrested for supporting Shane on Facebook. In one stunning example, Abdusalam Mohammad Balli, a 28-year-old man from the West Shewa zone, was reportedly arrested for making a phone call to unidentified persons the police believed were β€œagainst the government”. 

Another worrying trend seen in this list was the fact that 34 of the detained individuals were arrested for having family who were members of Shane, or because their family members were β€œsuspected” of being members of Shane, rather than having any ties to the OLA themselves.  In one case, Shandhure Nagessa Chana was arrested for simply being friends with a person associated with Shane (Cause of Arrest: β€œIyasu’s friend”). 

The remaining 18 individuals were arrested because of the β€œAnalysis of woreda council”. According to our contacts on the ground, this refers to the Woreda Security Council, a group composed of the Woreda Administrator, Deputy Administrator, the Head of the Woreda Administration and Security Office, and the Woreda Police Commander.  Apparently, police will arrest individuals at their command, and will record the reason for their arrest as β€œxinxala mana maree,” thereby categorizing the individuals in question as a threat to national security. Similarly, our sources report that there is a classification of crime known as β€œHaala yeroo” which translates roughly into, β€œA crime of insecurity times”.  If someone’s reason for arrest is recorded as β€œhaala yeroo”, our sources allege that the judiciary will not consider the legality of their arrest or detention.  It is unclear if any of the 176 individuals in this case were arrested under the β€œhaala yeroo” classification.

While the majority of the detainees range from ages 18-50, 25 of the detainees are minors, with the youngest three being just 14 years old.  In the majority of these cases, the reason for their arrest has not been given.  In one case, Falmatu Karjuli Morma, a 14-year-old girl from Guji zone, was arrested β€œFor being Karjuli’s daughter.”  Similarly, Umar Hama Adola, a 16-year-old boy, was arrested for being β€œSadam’s brother.”  The 3 oldest detainees are in their 60s. Nagessa Machawa Guyye (65) and Dhekkole Balli Chana (60) were both arrested because their children had been associated with Shane, while the oldest detainee, Waree Odo Areri (67), has not been given a reason for his detention. 

None of these detainees have been brought before the court since their arrest or formally charged with a crime.  They have also not been granted the opportunity to petition the court for their release.

Legal Standards:

International human rights law sets out that the right to liberty protects citizens from arbitrary arrest and detentions, which are arrests and detentions that are not in accordance with the procedures established by law. The Ethiopian Constitution enshrines the right to liberty under Article 17, which states, β€œno one shall be deprived of his or her liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedures as established by law”, and that, β€œNo person may be subjected to arbitrary arrest, and no person may be detained without a charge or conviction against him.”

Persons who have been arrested or detained have the right to information, including the right to be notified of the reasons for their arrest, and to be informed promptly of any charges against them. They also have the right to the assistance of legal counsel, which begins as soon as they are deprived of their liberty.  They have the right of access to the outside world, including to their family, lawyers, a judicial official, and to health care. Those who have been arrested or detained must be brought promptly before a  judge or court, so that the judge can rule on the lawfulness of their arrest or detention.  Finally, all persons deprived of their liberty have the right to challenge the lawfulness of their detention before a court of law. 

These rights are similarly protected under the Ethiopian Constitution. Article 19, on the Rights of Persons Arrested, prescribes that:

  1. Persons arrested have the right to be informed promptly, in a language they understand, of the reasons for their arrest and of any charge against them.
  2. Persons arrested have the right to remain silent. Upon arrest, they have the right to be informed promptly, in a language they understand, that any statement they make may be used as evidence against them in court. 
  3. Persons arrested have the right to be brought before a court within 48 hours of their arrest. Such time shall not include the time reasonably required for the journey from the place of arrest to the court. On appearing before a court, they have the right to be given prompt and specific explanation of the reasons for their arrest due to the alleged crime committed. 
  4. All persons have an inalienable right to petition the court to order their physical release where the arresting police officer or the law enforcer fails to bring them before a court within the prescribed time and to provide reasons for their arrest. Where the interest of justice requires, the court may order the arrested person to remain in custody or, when requested, remand him for a time strictly required to carry out the necessary investigation. In determining the additional time necessary for  investigation, the court shall ensure that the responsible law enforcement authorities carry out the investigation respecting the arrested person’s right to a speedy trial.

Article 21, on the Rights of Persons Held in Custody and Convicted Prisoners, sets out that:

  1. All persons held in custody and persons imprisoned upon conviction and sentencing have the right to treatment respecting their human dignity. 
  2. All persons shall have the opportunity to communicate with, and to be visited by, their spouses or partners, close relatives, friends, religious councillors, medical doctors and their legal counsel.

As noted by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, in Deliberation No. 9 concerning the definition and scope of arbitrary deprivation of liberty under customary international law, β€œThe prohibition of arbitrary deprivation of liberty and the right of anyone deprived of his or her liberty to bring proceedings before a court in order to challenge the legality of the detention, known in some jurisdictions as habeas corpus, are non-derogable under both treaty law and customary international law.” This means that unlawful detentions cannot be found to be a β€œnecessary or proportionate measure” taken by a government in order to protect a vital interest, such as national security. 

Ethiopia is also a party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which provides for additional measure to protect the rights of children in detention under Article 37, which, among other standards, provides that:

(b) No child shall be deprived of his or her liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily. The arrest, detention or imprisonment of a child shall be in conformity with the law and shall be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time;


Under both international human rights standards and the Ethiopian constitution, it seems clear that the Ethiopian government and its officials have arbitrarily detained these 176 individuals. None of the detainees were brought before a court of law within 48 hours of their arrest, as prescribed by Ethiopian law, and to this day many have never learned the reason for their arrest and continued detention. As of this time, none of these people have been formally charged with a crime.  Nor have any of the detainees had the opportunity to petition the court to order their release.  In addition, the continued detention of minors as young as 14 is of particular concern, given the special regard for their best interests as prescribed by the Convention on the Rights of the Child.  

The Ethiopian government and its officials have thus actively violated the rights of these detainees, and must act with the utmost haste to remedy these violations, including by immediately releasing these 176 individuals.  The authorities must investigate these cases, and all alleged cases of arbitrary arrests and detention throughout Ethiopia, and hold all actors who are responsible for these violations accountable.  The government must also take active measures to enact policies and procedures that ensure that its citizens will not be subjected to further arbitrary arrests and detentions.

OLLAA also calls on the international community not to stand idly by as the Ethiopian government allows its civilians to be detained without charges for months, or even years, on end.  The international community should consider launching independent investigations into these allegations, and publicly condemn the Ethiopian government’s practice of arbitrarily arresting and detaining civilians. The international community should also press the Ethiopian government to immediately release these 176 detainees, and all others who have been unlawfully detained. 

List of Persons Arbitrarily Detained in Goro Dola Worada Police Station

LakkFull NameSexAgeEd.LevelOccupationPlace of birth: ZoneWoredaKebeleAddress(Kebele)Date of ArrestCause of Arrest
1Aliyee Guyyee MajjaaM4010+4Gov’t EmployeeGujiGoro DolaMuchoMucho03/04/2020Not mentioned
2Awaliya Xahir  QasimF1710Studentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™7/04/2020Spying, giving information to Shane 
3Shurrubbe Denno AreroF155Studentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™MucoMucho20/05/2020Arrested while he is with Shane
4Rammate Jamal ShaggaF156β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokkolaMuchoβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€™β€™
5Badhasa Chana MarsalloM208Studentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato24/04/2020Arrested while going to join Shane
6Khalifa  Hasan Dubaβ€˜β€™145β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™
7Adola Gada Marsalloβ€˜β€™188β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™
8Bariso Hoxxessa Dhekamaβ€˜β€™205pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™Hadha dhaddachaHadha dhaddacha4/4/2020His Family is associated with OLA 
9Ariti Hoxxessa Dhekamaβ€˜β€™30pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™Hadha dhadachaHadha dhadacha4/4/2020β€˜β€™
10Oda Hoxxessa Dhekamaβ€˜β€™40pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™
11Roggicha Hoxxessa Dhekamaβ€˜β€™27β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™
12Notee Gumo Halakeeβ€˜β€™266Traderβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™JiddolaJidola20/05/2020Cause not mentioned
13Dhekama Gumo Halakeβ€˜β€™2211β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™JidolaJidola13/05/2020β€˜β€™
14Amina Usman AliyyeF225pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™JiddolaJiddola20/05/2020Opera’s relatives. Opera is a member of OLA
15Alaka Hirbora  WaareeM1912Studentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™SirbaSirba24/05/2020Giving information and food to Shane 
16Dawit Xayib Waareeβ€˜β€™22pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoHaraqallo-0126/05/2020Reason not mentioned 
17Safayi  Dido Adulaβ€˜β€™408β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Nura HumbaHaraqallo 0109/06/2020Analysis of woreda council
18Shobaa Arbii Boraamaβ€˜β€™226β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™C/mansaC/mansa30/05/2020Reason not mentioned/known
19Tangir Guyye MajjaM35DigStudentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™MuccoGofe ambo14/06/2020Giving information to Shane
20Mi’essa Cuqulisa Galchuβ€˜β€™45pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokolaBokola14/06/2020Analysis of woreda council
21Ibsa Dasee Bitataβ€˜β€™2212studentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokoolaBokoola27/06/2020Reason not mentioned
22Roba Uddessa TadhiM18β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™QararoQararo28/06/2020Reason not mentioned
23Oda Karayu Barisoβ€˜β€™305pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™JidolaJidola05/07/2020Reason not mentioned
24Arganne Nagesa AdolaF204pastoralistsβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™JidolaJidola20/07/2020Her husband is suspected to  be a member of Shane 
25Tekkitu Denesho JedalaF30β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalanbalBalanbal20/07/2020Family of Shane member
26Nadifo Abarra BoruF32β€˜β€™  β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™JiddolaJiddola20/07/2020Her family of Shane member; her husband is Abdii
27Salado Abdi ChanaF35β€˜β€™ β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™JiddolaJiddola20/07/2020Family of Shane member;her husband is Bati
28Hasasu Jeedalaa MachawaF32β€˜β€™  β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™JiddolaJiddola20/07/2020Family of Shane member; her husband is Bati
29Dhekkole Balli ChanaF60β€˜β€™  β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™JidolaJidola20/07/2020A family allegedly joined  Shane.(for being the father of Dashu)
30Rude Gannale Ab-SuteF55β€˜β€™  β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™DhuqoJidola20/07/2020A family member joined Family of Shane member/for being Girro’s father
31Xinatu Balela DullachaF30β€˜β€™  β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Sabba BoruUtulluBalanbal20/07/2020Family of Shane/for being Karjuli’s wife
32Betterro Jima BorraF38β€˜β€™  β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Liban WoredaHardotBalanbal20/07/2020Family of Shane(for being Ture’s mother)
33Zeyituna Wachu Mi’esaF33β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Goro Dola WoredaBalanbalBalanbal20/07/2020Family of Shane(for being Mahamad’s Wife
34Keta Gendo JedalaF20β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalanbalBalanbal20/07/2020Family of Shane(she is Abdo’s wife
35Lomi Uddessa WayyuF18β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalanbalBalanbal20/07/2020a family of Shane (for being Qararo’s wife
36Bacho Soddu BoruF30β€˜β€™ β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Nura HumbaBalanbal20/07/2020Family of Shane member/for being Qusha’s wife
37Mihrat Ware BiluF20β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalanbalBalanbal20/07/2020A family is allegedly  Shane member/for being Misa’s wife
38Hayiso Mahamad HusenF40β€˜β€™  β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalanbalBalanbal20/07/2020Family of Shane member; Qusha’s father
39Falmatu Karjuli MormaF14β€˜β€™  β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Sabba Boru UtuluBalanbal20/07/2020For being Karjuli’s daughter
40Sittina Muhamad UmaroF31β€˜β€™  β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Goro DolaJidolaJidola20/07/2020Family of Shane member/for being Abdi’s Wife
41Ware Jedala MachaawaM513β€˜β€™  β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™JidolaJidola20/07/2020Girro’s son
42Nagessa Machawa GuyyeM65β€˜β€™ β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalanbalBalanbal20/07/2020Ture’s father
43Bilu Safayi GannaleM43β€˜β€™  β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokolaBokola20/07/2020Family of Shane  and giving information
44Gamachu Dadhi BiqoM2011Studentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™JidolaJidola20/07/2020Reason not mentioned
45Ilala uke DubaM253β€˜β€™ β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalanbalBalanbal20/07/2020β€˜β€™
46Gamachisa Husen XebboM166Studentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™JidolaJidola20/07/2020β€˜β€™
47Galma Golu MachawaM54pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalanbalBalanbal20/07/2020Samarro’s father
48Bilad Xebbo QoxxeM1810Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalanbalBalanbal20/07/2020Reason not mentioned
49Nuguse Waqo SafayiM2512Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™JidolaJidola20/07/2020Reason not known
50Gamba Uddo GannaleM3210Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalanbalBalanbal20/07/2020Slaughtering cattle and feeding Shane
51Oda Alaka XiniggichaM2810β€˜β€™  β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalanbalBalanbal20/07/2020Reason not known
52Galana Nuguse BuzunaM155β€˜β€™  β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™JidolaJidola20/07/2020β€˜β€™
53Kunja Denesho JedalaM21β€˜β€™  β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalanbalBalanbal20/07/2020Denesho’s son
54Gurmessa Hama AdolaM188Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™JidolaJidola20/07/2020Sadam’s brother
55Umar Hama AdolaM166β€˜β€™ β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™JiddoolaJiddoola20/07/2020Sadam’s brother
56Jimalo Gendo JedalaM25pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™JidolaJidola20/07/2020Dashu’s Brother
57Uddessa Hirbora HoxxeM2010Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalanbalBalanbal20/07/2020Abdo’s brother
58Taddasa Dingata Liloβ€˜β€™238Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™SirbaSirba20/07/2020Reason not mentioned 
59Kalil Jarso Safayi β€˜β€™214pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalamballHarqalo20/07/2020β€˜β€™
60Molu Dulloma Wareβ€˜β€™212β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Sirbaβ€˜β€™20/07/2020β€˜β€™
61Ibrahim Jilo Badaβ€˜β€™3112β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™C/MansaC/Mansa16/07/2020β€˜β€™
62Genesho Karrayu Jedalaβ€˜β€™3010Driverβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™JidolaHaraqalo-0125/05/2020β€˜β€™
63Husen Mahamad Batoβ€˜β€™208pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato23/07/2020β€˜β€™
64Hasan Birbirsa Dununβ€˜β€™42β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Reason not mentioned
65Ramate Gumi MandheF177Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatooWatoβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™
66Adole Galchu SoraF30pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™SirbaHaraqallo-0111/08/2020β€˜β€™
67Waree Odo AreriM67pastorailstβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokolaHaraqallo-018/08/2020Reason not mentioned
68Golu Guye Majaβ€˜β€™49DigGovt.employeeβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™MuchoHaraqallo-01β€˜β€™β€˜β€™
69Xahir Hirbora HalakeM2011Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™QararoQararo13/08/2020Not known
70Sadam Kottola Waqoβ€˜β€™208Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™QararoQararo13/08/2020β€˜β€™
71Utee Hirbooraa  HalakeM254pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™QararoQararo13/08/2020β€˜β€™
72Hoxxessa Kiyyato GambelaM466pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato13/08/2020Not known
73Isheta Dadhi Boru F169Pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokolaBokola10/08/2020β€˜β€™
74Gabbi Ute FuttoM1811Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™SirbaSirba15/08/2020Supporting an enemy on Facebook
75Birhanu Badhaso DidoM27DigreeGov’t employeeβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Reason not mentioned 
76Ramadan Hire GalchuM179Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Transporting Shane members  on motorcycle
77Kadir Dhekkama SoraM526pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Giving information and spying for an enemy
78Dursitu Haredi SafayiF207Traderβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™Haraqallo-01Haraqallo-01β€˜β€™Reason not mentioned
79Sukkara Borra BoruM582pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokolaBokola19/08/2020β€˜β€™
80Amanti HambisaWakkaneM35DigreeGov’t employeeWest WellaggaManasibuHaraqallo- 01Nageelle 0318/08/2020Reason not known
81Qasim Gammada Jilo M40pastoralistGujiWato Wato 30/8/2020Family and active cadre of Shane
82Cuqqulee Adolaa Boruu F29β€˜β€™GujiWatoWato30/8/2020active  cadre of Shane
83Dadi Guffe DubaDH31DigreeGov’t employeeβ€˜β€™BokolaHaraqallo-0111/08/2020Reason not mentioned 
84Jamal Gola BaddaM22pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalaanbalBalaanbal18/08/2020
85Balakko Robe MudaM35pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™Hadha dhaddachaHadha dhaddacha12/09/2020feeding Shane
86Xuli Wachullee RusheM57β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™H/dhadachaH/dhadacha12/09/2020Feeding Shane
87Gashawu Ali HomaM20β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato16/09/2020Reason not mentioned
88Bululo Sida BalliF50β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato16/09/2020Her son is Shane
89Hasan Boneya KusaM45β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato18/07/2020His son is Shane
90Badhadha Wachu BorraM175Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokolaBokola23/09/2020Reason not mentioned
91Iman Kadir GammadaM174β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™
92Gillaa Jimaa DuubaM185β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™
93Milkawa Balli BatiM165β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™
94Gurmessa Sora GuyyeM2012β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™MuchoMuchoCadre of Shane
95Bareto Yeshixila Dhanqoβ€˜β€™2210pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™SirbaSirba24/09/2020Giving transport services for Shane
96Gammachu Bugula Horiβ€˜β€™187Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato27/09/2020Cadre of Shane
97Tamiru Bugula Horiiβ€˜β€™198β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™
98Utura(Horo) Gutu Jaldessaβ€˜β€™227pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™Guduba BururiGuduba Bururi29/09/2020Supports Shane on Facebook
99Nagasa Kamisa Dhabasaβ€˜β€™27DigreeGov’t employeeWest ShoaAmbo-01Haraqallo-0127/09/2020Reason not known
100Jamal Xayib Seraβ€˜β€™335TraderGujiiGoro DolaQararoQararo25/09/2020Reason not known
101Maritu Nagessa DullachaF177Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™SirbaSirba24/09/2020Relative of Shane
102Ayele Worqu BadhadhaM2910+3TraderArsiAsela01Haraqallo-0130/09/2020Reason not known
103Dhanqo Udda Adulaβ€˜β€™307PastoralistGujiiGoro DolaNura HumbaNura Humba30/09/2020Reason not known
104Abduljalil Hajji Ifaafβ€˜β€™36β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato12/09/2020β€˜β€™
105Ramadan Husen Banataβ€˜β€™188Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokolaBokola10/10/2020β€˜β€™
106Olana Duba Batiiβ€˜β€™22DiplomaStudent β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Hadha DhaddachaHadha Dhaddacha13/10/2020β€˜β€™
107Iyasuu  Adisu HaroM22DigreeStudent β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™13/08/2020Supporting Shane on Facebook
108Shandhure Nagessa Chanaβ€˜β€™304Pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™12/09/2020Iyasu’s friend
109Galata Gararo Galmaβ€˜β€™208Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Nura HumbaNura Humba30/09/2020Reason not mentioned 
110Badhasa Hasan Soraβ€˜β€™198β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™SirbaSirba12/10/2020β€˜β€™
111Xephello Sokkora Tukkeβ€˜β€™457Pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokolaBokola23/10/2020Reason not mentioned 
112Roba Uddessa Tennaβ€˜β€™35β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™21/10/2020β€˜β€™
113Gutuu Makko  Tukkaβ€˜β€™269β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™21/10/2020β€˜β€™
114Sora Xulusho Mi’eesaβ€˜β€™259β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™23/10/2020β€˜β€™
115Ali Hasan Jiloβ€˜β€™26DiplomaTeacherβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™AdadiAdadi22/10/2020β€˜β€™
116Jarso Dido Shanqoβ€˜M32pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato28/10/2020Reason not mentioned 
117Shagitu Hasan BoneyaF168Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato30/10/2020β€˜β€™
118Elema Koyya BoruM249pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™SirbaSirba03/11/2020β€˜β€™
119Ebisa Koyya BoruM1910Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™SirbaSirba04/11/2020Reason not mentioned 
120Biru Yeshixila DhanqoM252pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™SirbaSirba03/11/2020β€˜β€™
121Musaa Xahiir SaaqooM2012studentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™JidolaJidola05/11/2020β€˜β€™
122Qufaa Abbaatee SaafuuM2010β€˜β€™West ArsiAjeD/BungiiJidola07/11/2020β€˜β€™
123Kalil Kulli AmbooM1910β€˜β€™ArsiMuneesaQ/AnnooJidola07/11/2020β€˜β€™
124Dambali Nagessa UnushiF167Student GujiiGoro DolaWatoWato28/11/2020Reason not mentioned 
125Kottola Chula RebaM30Digreeβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™QararoHaraqallo-0109/12/2020Analysis of the woreda council
126Shek Sharif Ganale MudhiM3211β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoHaraqallo-0109/12/2020β€˜β€™
127Mi’esa Duba CamariM4010pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalambalHar-0109/12/2020β€˜β€™
128Sulxan Ali SafayiM2810Driverβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™Haraqallo-01Haraqallo-0109/12/2020Supporting Shane on Facebook
129Mohamad(Dashu) Gumi MandheM2010pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoHaraqallo-0110/12/2020Analysis of the woreda council
130Dambobi  Doyyo Bekele M298Driverβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokoaaHaraqallo-0110/12/2020Analysis of the woreda council 
131Gammada  Xenxira BirbirsaM2112Student β€˜β€™LibanKaladaHaraqallo-0110/12/2020Analysis of the woreda council 
132Girja(Hashim)  Kadir UragoM259pastoralistβ€˜β€™Goro DolaBokolaHaraqallo-0110/12/2020Analysis of the woreda council
133Damise Ware  DabbaM3011pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoHar-0111/12/2020Reason not mentioned
134Jamal  Xeyibi GumiM30Pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™Chana MansaHaraqallo-0111/12/2020Analysis of the woreda council 
135Dadda Uddo GanaleM3512Gov’t employeeβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokolaHar-0112/12/2020Analysis of the woreda council 
136Gurracha Tukka  JiloM167Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™MuchoMucho13/12/2020Reason not mentioned 
137Gada Roqa GuyyeM156β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™MuchoMucho13/12/2020β€˜β€™
138Gobana Nura WaqoM227pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™Nura HumbaNura Humba14/12/2020Analysis of the woreda council 
139Xahir Xayib Sera M1712Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™DilalessaDilalessa14/12/2020Reason not known
140Nagessa Haro OdaM30DigreeGov’t employeeβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokolaJidola14/12/2020Analysis of the woreda council
141Gobu Gambela CachuM1710studentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™MuchoMucho14/12/2020Analysis of the woreda council
142Haji  Haro ChirriM368pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato14/12/2020Analysis of the woreda council 
143Chari Sokora TeteraM406β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™MuchoMucho14/12/2020Reason not mentioned
144Gadisa Waqo  AreroM189Studentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™MuchoMucho14/12/2020Analysis of the woreda council
145Batii  Dullo GobanaM359pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™MuchoMucho15/12/2020Reason not mentioned 
146Sadam Gutu NoteM1811Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™MuchoMucho15/12/2020Reason not known
147Sora Guyye MajjaM55Pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™MuchoMucho15/12/2020β€˜β€™
148Ununno Balli BarisoM25β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Hadha DhaddachaHadha Dhaddacha27/12/2020β€˜β€™
149Hasan  Jamal  TundheM237pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoHaqallor-0117/12/2020β€˜β€™
150Horte  Oddo  DidoM457β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Guduba BururiGuduba Bururi19/12/2020β€˜β€™
151Jamal Sajin IdemaM299Pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™MuchoMucho19/12/2020β€˜β€™
152Rashid Boneya  BashaM217Driverβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™DilalessaHar-0121/12/2020Cause not mentioned 
153Badhasa  Balela  GololchaM2111studentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™AdadiJidolaβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™
154Adiyo  Balela  GololchaF1811studentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™AdadiAdadiβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™
155Damise Ali HomaM246pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato22/12/2020β€˜β€™
156Arabiyyu   Mollicha  BoneyaM35β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™DilalessaDilalessa24/12/2020β€˜β€™
157Chama    Hadda      Girjaβ€˜M307pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokkoolaQaraaro27/12/2020β€˜β€™
158Zarihun  Nagessa AdolaM2510Driverβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™JidolaHaraqallo-0127/12/2020β€˜β€™
159Duba Waqo DubeM25β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BalambalBalambal02/13/2020β€˜β€™
160Taddasa Dido OdaM208PastoralistGujiGoro DolaAdadiAdadi02/13/2020β€˜β€™
161Ayyala Dukkale LollaM178studentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™RaroRaarroo02/13/2020β€˜β€™
162Addisu Golu WodessaM205pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™SirbaSirba03/13/2020β€˜β€™
163Gutu Tamiru Galchu β€˜β€™155studentβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™MuchoMucho03/13/2020β€˜β€™
164Nagash Gutu Noteβ€˜β€™166β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™03/13/2020β€˜β€™
165Firomsa Bariso ShunniM2312Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato03/01/2020Analysis of the woreda council
166Habtamu  Haj/Quxxa DambiM56pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™Gofe amboo03/01/2020β€˜β€™
167Hunda  Kuma  DabaliM208Daily labourer West showaEjereBorcheHaraqallo-0104/01/2020Reason not mentioned 
168Abdusal-am Mohammad BalliM288β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™D/ReebaD/Reba03/01/2020It was alleged that he used Damissee’s phone  to call unidentified  persons who the police believed were against the government. Sababa Bil Damisee/use of Damise’s Phone
169Aliye Kadir DubeM23DiplomaGov’t employeeGujiWadaaraH/Hanchoqa0104/01/2020Reason not mentioned 
170Jamal Xayib BoruMβ€˜β€™Goro DolaWatoWatoβ€˜β€™
171Ware Gamba RobaM265pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™SirbaSirba09/11/2020β€˜β€™
172Sulxan Dube Ganaleβ€˜β€™288β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato12/11/2020β€˜β€™
173Bulcha Dambi Sokoraβ€˜β€™142Student β€˜β€™β€˜β€™BokolaBokola-05/13/20220β€˜β€™
174Utura Alaka Marsallooβ€˜β€™37pastoralistβ€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato05/13/2020Reason not mentioned
175Oda Adola Areroβ€˜β€™207β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™WatoWato05/13/2020β€˜β€™
176Gurraacha Waareeβ€˜β€™35β€˜β€™β€˜β€™β€˜β€™SirbaaSirba05/13/2020β€˜β€™