Petition to the UN Security Council and the Coalition Government of Yemen Regarding Sana'a Refugee Camp Deaths

Photo Credit: Unknown
Refugees are not disposable. Tell the UN to investigate the atrocity in Yemen.

As of March 10, 44 people are confirmed dead. But eyewitnesses at the facility estimate that over 500 people actually died, and that the bomb was no accident but a deliberate act of murder by Houthi authorities.

Where is Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed?

Innocent Ethiopian citizens — the majority being Oromos — have died at the hands of a foreign government, yet Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has said nothing. Where are Ethiopian media and human rights organizations? How can a nation’s leader remain silent when his people are murdered and fellow citizens burned alive?

We need your help. Sign this petition to demand the UN and Yemeni government launch a full investigation of this tragedy.

How You Can Help

Please add your name to this petition and help us demand the following actions:

  1. Both the United Nations (UN) Security Council and the internationally recognized government of Yemen must immediately dispatch a fact-finding mission to the Immigration, Passport and Naturalization Authority Holding Facility in Sana’a. Investigators must determine the true cause of the tragedy and assess the conditions in which the refugees were kept at the facility.
  2. The UN and the Yemeni government must immediately provide humanitarian assistance to survivors and should grant the UN and IOM increased access to the site in order to support those affected.
  3. The UN and the Yemeni government must also assist families of the victims who died or were seriously injured at the facility. Many loved ones in Ethiopia and Yemen are still searching for news of their relatives and are being denied information by local authorities.
  4. Lastly, an investigation must be followed by a direct process of accountability for those found responsible.

OLLAA also started this petition

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