Robe Bedho was killed in a senseless conflict that claims innocent lives daily

Robe Bedho was a 22-year-old young woman who had recently completed her 10th grade and prepared to pursue a degree. She was born and raised in Walanchiti, a small town found in the Boset District of East Shawa, Oromia Region. 

Her father’s prolonged suffering in prison for a long period of time had a profound impact on their life. The challenges the family faced were enormous, but her mother took on the burden of care and worked tirelessly to meet their needs. Despite the numerous hardships her mother faced, she remained determined to hold onto one hope: the hope that one day she would be able to provide her daughter with a better life, far removed from the troubles their family had to endure. 

However, one tragic day, her mother’s hopes for a better future were shattered. Robe’s life was cut short by the senseless conflict that knocks on the door of every innocent civilian in Oromia.

OLLAA received news of the incident on the day it occurred and reported the case as follows:

“On Tuesday, May 16th, 2023 four civilians were killed as a result of senseless fighting between #Ethiopian government forces and the #Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) in Welanciti, East Shawa District. Others were injured but are currently being treated in a hospital in Adama Town. OLLAA condemns these vicious attacks on civilians and calls for these human right violations to be looked into further.”

The conflict that unfolded during that clash had a profound impact on the lives of the local residents, including Robe Bedho. At the time, like many others, Robe was in the town for her daily routine, completely unaware of the impending conflict. However, as the sound of gunfire echoed through the streets, Robe found herself in the middle of conflict with no choice but to run for her life. 

Robe and another woman who was with her unfortunately became victims of the intense fighting. Tragically, Robe did not survive after she was taken to Adama Hospital. 

According to family members who spoke with OLLAA members, Robe was killed by members of the government security forces.

They believe that Robe was unlawfully killed by government forces supposed to protect and serve the people. Robe’s family demands that an investigation be conducted into her death, as well as the perpetrators be held accountable for their actions, and justice be served.

International law

International human rights law includes the obligation for States to protect individuals from human rights violations, including violations of the right to life, which is guaranteed under numerous human rights treaties that Ethiopia is a party to, including the UDHR, ICCPR, CRC, and ACHPR. 

As a party to these international treaties, Ethiopia assumes the primary duty of upholding and protecting human rights within its jurisdiction. This responsibility extends to ensuring that individuals are not subjected to any violations of their right to life. The killing of individuals by state agents outside of any legal framework constitutes a human rights violation.