Tariku Wana and Solomon Mokonen: Killed by Drone Strike

Triku Wana was born and raised in Boke kebele, Mana Sibu District, West Wollega Zone of Oromia. Tariku was a husband and father to a son. He was also a pastor and has been recognized as the most humble and cheerful person in the community. Solomon Mokonen was born in Togir  Haro Gambi kebele, Mana Sibu district, West Wollega zone of Oromia. He was working as a driver to support his family, so he was unable to finish his education. Despite this, he was still able to attend class through the eighth grade.

On November 9, 2022, there was a air strike that took place between 1:00pm-2:00pm (EAT), in Mendi West Wollega, Oromia. Sources from the place spoke to OLLAA’s staff claiming that numerous civilians were killed in the airstrikes. The repeated drone strikes targeted a vehicle reportedly belonging to the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), but it caused civilian casualties as the drone attack took place at a market place in the town. As some reports show, the number of casualties was more than 30 people.  The sources confirmed to OLLAA that Tariku Wanna and Solomon Mykonos were among the people who died by the airstrike. OLLAA condemned the attack at the time.

International Law

A number of international human rights treaties to which Ethiopia is a signatory, including the ICCPR and the ACHPR, as well as the FDRE Constitution, have recognized the right to life as a fundamental right that requires the enjoyment of all other rights. It is the fundamental duty of the state and every state organ to observe, respect, protect, promote and fulfill the rights and fundamental freedoms of its citizens. Furthermore, international humanitarian laws forbid the killing of civilians during armed conflicts. Therefore, the Ethiopian government failed as the primary human rights duty bearers, to protect the human rights of its citizens.