The extrajudicial killing of Fiqaaduu Guyyee 

Fiqaaduu Guyyee used to own a motorcycle for his small business. He used motorcycles to transport  his product to market centers within the West Guji zone.  He was the only breadwinner of his family of three. He is described by his close friends as a hardworking businessman. 

On the 12th August, 2023, around 9AM local time, he was traveling on his motorcycle towards Fincawaa town when a tragic event occurred. According to an eyewitness who saw what had transpired that day between him and the military personnel manning the road, the deceased was ordered to alight and kneel down. 

The military personnel shot him in the chest several times. After shooting him in the chest, the military personnel left the scene of crime.  The motive of his killing was yet to be established as of the time this report was published.

Photo of Fiqaaduu Guyyee lying on the middle of road as members of the public gather around.

Ethiopia National law on Extrajudicial Killings 

The right to life is the most fundamental right of an individual, without which no other rights can be upheld. State agents should never violate the right to life without due process of the law. A convicted individual should be brought to court when facing charges, rather than being the victim of an illegal and unjust execution. The state has an obligation to promote and protect the right to life and prosecute the perpetrators.

The right to life is enshrined in the Ethiopian Constitution by Article 15 which states that “everyone has the right to life and no one shall be deprived his life except by reason of conviction in accordance with the law for a serious crime committed.”  The killing reported here is in violation of this right. We call on the Ethiopian government to stop the rampant extrajudicial killings throughout the country and urge them to bring perpetrators to justice.