Yohannes Amante: Killed by Benishangul Gumuz Region Special Force

Yohannes Amante, was born in Korke Kebele, Mana Sibu Woreda, West Wollega Zone. He was a husband and father to two children. He was also a farmer and well known for being a hard worker in the village. 

OLLAA staff spoke to the sources from the area regarding his killing by Benishangul Gumuz special forces before such military structure was officially dissolved. According to the sources, on November 14, 2022, the members of Benishangul Gumuz Special Police Forces (locally known as Liyu Hayl) opened fire on Yohannes Amante crossing border to Oromia, who was reaping  his crop from his farm land in neighboring Korke Kebele. According to our informants, the situation was preceded by the border dispute between the two regions.

International Law 

According to international human rights law, a government’s main responsibility is to protect and promote the rights of those residing inside its borders. As a result, the Ethiopian government bears the duty of making sure that both state actors and non-state actors or groups refrain from violating human rights. Specifically, the government must protect its people against armed groups that are supported by the state.  In addition, the government needs to execute justice and hold the offenders responsible.  The rights to life, freedom of movement, housing, and property are among the internationally recognized rights violated in this case. The UDHR, ICCPR, ACHPR, and Ethiopian national law all safeguard these rights. OLLAA therefore calls on the Ethiopian government to give human rights first priority and to prosecute and hold those responsible for crimes accountable.